various commenters #transphobia

I’d much rather share a ladies’ room with Sarah McBride than with Nancy Mace | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

( mathlover )
Well, then feel free to share the men's room with Mr. McBride. That is the only place where he will ever belong.

( babygrandpiano )
These handmaidens are testing my patience. We're supposed to be more concerned about TIMs getting UTIs than women getting assaulted, raped, and recorded. Won't someone think of the poor crossdressing men and their UTIs!?!?

Shut up.

( Cronelogical-order )
Also, you wanted to be a woman man, welcome to getting UTIs more often

Weird how they never find the downsides of being a woman gender euphoria UWU

( Carrots90 )

If you can’t stand to be away from fetishistic cross dressing men, you and the other handmaidens have multiple options. You can pee with him in the mens room, in the all gender restrooms, in his private restroom, etc

You and the handmaidens can also try out for men’s sports or mixed sex sports with him

( dasehe )
Being a woman does not give you the right to consent on behalf of other women. We used to understand this. Women opposed women's suffrage, too. The mere fact of their disagreement does not mean women should not have had the vote.

( dasehe )
Someone should ask her about sharing a ladies' room with Isla Bryson.

( CrimsonSoleil )
Anytime people are asked about pedos in women’s bathrooms, we’re told, “those aren’t transwomen! Those are men!” So how can we tell the difference..? (Hint - we can’t)

( pennygadget )
They're making McBride the poster boy for this issue because he's a non-threatening, swishy gay man. Its easy for Sullivan to say that she'd be fine pissing in the stall next to him. But how would she feel if she or her daughter had to spend the night in a prison or homeless shelter alongside a male sex offender claiming to possess a lady soul? Would she choose sharing a cell with "Karen White" over sharing with Nancy Mace? I'm guessing the answer is "no"



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