ReturnOfSaddam & Unsaveable #sexist #transphobia

This FtM trans has no idea what she's in for

FtM 23; Pre-T; Feeling incredibly dysphoric; Starting T in 14 Days

They think they'll become men and live like Chad...then surprise

Reminder number 958914 that most women would be incels or truecels if they were male. They're the incel factories Like holy shit she looks like bo2cel. Looks like the type of guy that would get bullied, beaten and mocked his whole life

It's like you said the other day. Women never think there can be anything wrong with their genes. They view themselves as perfect. Just google "ftm regret" and you'll see so many cases of what awaits the foid in the OP in a few years time. It's like the fucking penny drops and they finally realise that not all men live like Chad :lul:

FTM Regret transition, intensely lonely and need someone to talk to

More foids should transition so they can begin to understand how fucked sub Chad males are in 2021.


Yea congratulations you pass as a very low t looking low value male, i'm sure you'll be just fine. What bunch of morons.



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