David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesus-is-savior.com
Still today, men blame God for their evil deeds. There is much talk these days from the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community about a gay God Who creates homosexuals by birth. Since they claim God made them that way, they believe they should rejoice and fulfill the image of their gay god by committing sodomy with the same sex.
I heard a 25 year old porn superstar say on the news that since Adam and Eve were totally naked in Eden, she knew that God approved of nakedness. What she failed to mention is that Adam and Eve were the only two people alive at the time. Do you see how mankind attempts to justify their sins? This is how the evil human heart functions, deceitful above all else, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). Thus, feminists and homosexuals are demanding a gender-inclusive Bible to make effeminate men and masculine women feel at home with the Word of God.
First the Communists and God-haters realized that they'd never be able to overthrow our nation unless they removed the Bible and prayer from children's lives, so in 1963 they banned the Word of God and prayer from being led by the teacher in all public schools. Then then brought wicked Rock 'N' Roll (the British Invasion) to sexual corrupt our nation's youth and lead them into Satan worship and idolatry of rock stars, which succeeded and consequently led to millions of unwanted pregnancies and the passing of Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, thus legalizing abortion nationwide. Today, the nation's youth commonly flash Diablo hand signs showing allegiance to Satan.
The deliberate moral subversion of the United States by the global financiers—the criminal architects of the New World Order—the elite international banking cartel (who have financed both sides of every major war conflict for the past two centuries) has succeeded. They've deliberately dumbed-down the public. They've targeted America for destruction. Our economy is about to implode. 3,5 million Americans are now homeless. 18.5 million homes are vacant, foreclosed by the banks. Millions of Americans walked away from their homes, because they owed far more in interest to the bank than the home was actually worth. Deliberate open borders, deliberate CIA illegal drug-trafficking into the U.S., deliberate theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars by Wall Street executives... this is just the beginning of judgment!
The problem is that people don't care! They don't care because they're not right with God. The Bible gives men convictions. Being a born-again Christian puts the Spirit of God into a man! Americans are devoid of truth, God and righteousness. Instead, people are saturated with TV, sports and entertainment. No wonder we are so weak and vulnerable as a nation, as sitting ducks in the hunter's rifle sight.
We don't need another Bible for modern times. We don't need a gender-inclusive Bible. God wrote the Bible as He meant it to be. A godly woman understands that God has ordained husbands to head their homes and marriages. Men are to lead the church. It is sinful for women to usurp authority over men. Hollywood caters to feminist and lesbian agendas—showing women leading armies, being in charge of everything, punching out a group of men. In reality, women could NEVER do what they do in the movies. It is a false reality that brainwashes young girls to become feminists, and their lives end up ruined as a result. Satan paints a rosy picture to young women, convincing them that killing their baby, shacking-up, and pursuing a career is a magical life. In reality, feminists one day realize that Satan stole their happiness, killed their babies and destroyed their marriage. Satan is a liar, thief and murderer (John 10:10).
The new NIV 2011 (New International Version 2011) has been released online, now on it's way to Zondervan publishers to become toilet paper. And if you love the Lord Jesus Christ that's what you'll do with the NIV 2011.
The word “men” appears in the King James Bible's Old Testament 2416 times, and 806 in the New Testament. That's 3222 times that the King James Bible mentions the word “men.” But in the feminist perversion of the NIV 2011, you'll only find the word “men” 1027 times in their entire Bible. Pretty sad huh?
The word “man” appears in the King James Bible's Old Testament 3105 times, and 1433 in the New Testament. That's 4538 times that the King James Bible mentions the word “man.” But in the feminist perversion of the NIV 2011, you'll only find the word “man” 1989 times in their entire Bible.
It's a feminist's dream come true! The NIV 2011 attacks the masculine authority of God, the ruling husband, and the authoritative preacher. There is no room for gender equality in Biblical Christianity when it comes to AUTHORITY.
The sad truth is that America has been overrun by feminists. Here's a couple quotes by infamous feminists:
“In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist.” —Gloria Steinem
“There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.” —Susan B. Anthony
That is the Devil talking ladies. Eve didn't like her restrictions either, so she bought into the Devil's lie of being “as gods” (Genesis 3:5). Feminists are placing themselves equal with God when they go against the Scriptures.
Feminists seek equality with authority, just as Lucifer, who said in Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” Feminists want equality of authority like Lucifer. It is evil. The Bible teaches that a husband is to “rule over” his wife (Genesis 3:16), and women are to “be in silence” publicly in the presence of men as evidence of their obedience to their husband (1st Timothy 2:12).
God is NOT into the gender-inclusive feminist/homosexual agenda of our time. It is wickedness in the sight of God. Read Proverb 14:2, “He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.” Feminists and homosexuals absolutely despise the masculine King James Bible, viewing it as the bigot's Bible. No, it is God's holy Word, every Word of it! Romans 1:25 warned us that the wicked would change God's Word into a lie, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”