CK #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

While the Twitter drama has been highly entertaining to watch, many people are wondering what, if anything, will change under the new management?

Will Trump come back? (he already said NO).

Frog marching the existing top management and firing 75% of the company is also awe inspiring to those who were mistreated by the 24 year old woke content Stasi.
Time to retool for the next phase and none of those people are needed because it's "mission accomplished" in the UK (WEF PM installed), USA (puppet Joe installed) and now Brazil, but the Brazilians seem to have seen enough of the movie to understand that they need to actually take action, we'll see how that goes.

Twitter 2.0's goal will be authenticating all human beings, starting with an $8 per month fee, . Elon will sell a lot of these accounts if you need one to board and airplane or keep your bank account. You'll presumably get connected some how to the Starlink satellite fleet, as well.

So what is really changing at Twitter? The ownership isn't changing all that much.

Elon owns more, but some of the old shareholders are coming along for Twitter version 2.0.

As we have demonstrated, Elon is a key part of the public facing Deep State (aka The Cult - link to ) Twitter co-founder JACK DORSEY held shares worth roughly $1 billion after Musk closed the deal.

He rolled his Twitter shares into newly private company, becoming one of its largest shareholders.

And crypto-jew 9/11 participants Saudi Arabia stayed in the deal, too.

You could say the Satanist Cult still owns Twitter. And then there is the matter of content moderation. The hopium has been flowing, as the downtrodden have hinged their hopes of account reinstatement on every Elon-Tweet™ with promises of "in two weeks" (why is it always two weeks?).

If there is one thing readers of this site understand, this is what happens when you hand over the content moderation to the ADL.

In other words, "The new boss is the same as the old boss."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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