Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex #racist rvscience.com
It is said that:
All US Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing companies are run by or founded by ex-operatives who are forbidden by Federal Law to reveal anything that could damage National Security.
None of these ex-operatives of the CIA, DIA… are in Leavenworth Jail so they have revealed nothing of any real value therefore they must be:
Purveyors of disinformation to occlude the real knowledge of working Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.
Their companies block by means of massive Federal funding all non ex-operatives who might have valuable and dangerous Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing damaging to US/Nato National Security.
The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, probablefutures.com has breached trademark law by advertising themselves as having connection to Psychotronic Crystals® the trademark of Tim Rifat. This is like Jo the plumber stating he is Sony® because he is a plumber (unregistered!) Now Psi-Lord Ltd would never infer any connection to Sony® even though the latter funded a multimillion centre specialising in psychic research technology. Sony® failed to develop this technology Psi Lord Ltd has developed it, Joe the plumber or probablefutures.com are just intellectual property thieves.
The Illuminati know that the CD’s and cassettes sold by these ex-operatives are no danger to them as only energy matters to psychic development. So if a wageslave learns any Remote Influencing protocols or Remote Viewing Technology anyone with more energy can block their efforts and use them in surrogate stooges – ScapeGoats. Until 1986 the Illuminati controlled all avenues of psychic energy and power, now Tim Rifat has Sequestered that Total Control. Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing run on energy lots and lots of energy, only Psychotronic Crystals®, Bone Generators® and the pure energy of Sublime Good® technology enable Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing on anyone or anything in or out of the Matrix.
The Matrix is a Chaos Sequestration in the Kabbalah. Ex-operatives run by the Talmudic Zionists NSA Bankers… are not allowed to give any information on the real Kabbalah so everything they write on the Matrix is bogus disinformation, so all their technologies to control the Matrix use you as ScapeGoats.