Various Redditors #wingnut #sexist

So sad and so wrong

( Scaridian )
Imagine being a kid, going on the internet and you just so happen to come across a picture of a younger looking version of your mum, realising that it was from when you were still in the womb.

Finding out that at one point in your life, your mother had the ability to look at you and say, "Your sibling is a human being, but not you. You aren't a human being, not to me, you're something lesser, and I will fight for the right to kill you if I ever felt like it."

I'm so grateful that I have a mother who loves me.

(CanConCasual )
Agreed. My first thought was hoping that neither of those children, the one in her arms or the one in her womb, ever see that photo. No good can come of seeing your mother call you disposable. (Some would say she's not saying that about the older one, but she is. She's sending a clear message that she could have killed them before birth, and their survival was based solely on her whim.)

( wardamnbolts )
This is why we are prolife. To protect human beings from being dehumanized. So many PC people believe abortion is okay in the third trimester. It’s horrifying.

( kingBalian )
It's so sad that this mom has (at least) two kids, yet utterly dismisses the humanity of the younger one. But what is more crazy than this and the fact that it has more then 31k upvotes is that many pro-choices realize how illogical this argument is (look at the comments) and acknowledge that the baby is human. But they still support abortion

( Alucarrdd5647ue )
Thats depressing, I dont consider the psychopaths human.

( DiamondConfident1811 )
Basically putting a Judenstern on her babies body. Someone that is to be regarded as less than human

( IIXKingxRavenXII )
I don’t mean this rude. It is rude, but I don’t mean it that way. Every time I see these women I think “who the hell slept with her” 😂



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