More Proof Girls are Whores as Young as 13 Now
I overheard this bus driver talking to someone. He says he heard from another bus driver that three 13 year old girls had gotten pregnant at the school. He asked the driver if it was sexual abuse. The other driver said no, they were just promiscuous.
2 of the 3 had abortions
Pray for the West to fall
I overheard this bus driver talking to someone. He says he heard from another bus driver What an excellent citation.
I heard a guy tell me a guy told him that (somehow) he knew of three pregnant girls.
Yeah, that's a credible source, and a useful sample size, for forming the opinion you already had about an entire gender.
A pregnant 13 year old isn’t exactly a “stop the presses” headine, but the source and especially the “no, they were just promiscuous” part is typical hearsay.
Btw, I overheard this bus driver talking to someone. He says he heard from another bus driver that his brother in law was an alien from Mars.
If you think praying for something will help, why not pray that (1) the girls in the school are given goals to work toward and the skills to achieve their goals, and (2) the males of the community learn to keep it zipped.
The only proof you have is of misogynists spreading malicious rumors.
Girls that young usually don’t know what they’re getting into, they might want to hold hands, to cuddle, perhaps a kiss or two. It’s probably a slightly older boyfriend who push and push and push for sex, until the girl gives in out of fear that he will otherwise dump her. None of the boys and girls have apparently received enough sex-ed to know how to protect themselves against STDs and unwanted pregnancies. That’s not the children’s fault, but the fault of adults, of parents, schools, society at large.
Young girls being promiscuous all by themselves won’t cause any pregnancies. It takes a boy/man to squirt his little swimmers into a vagina to cause a pregnancy. If you want to stop teen pregnancies, it’s the boys you have to address first.
It’s too bad only two of them (allegedly) had abortions. The bodies of girls that young aren’t ready to carry a pregnancy to term, or to give birth. The ordeal might well be fatal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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