Various Commenteers #transphobia

“Educate guests on their discomfort”

I started a new job at a gym, and today was watching and going threw orientation videos and pdfs, when of course, gender diversity policy comes up, and of course, TIMs are allowed to use women’s restrooms/showers/locker rooms and TIFs in male’s (though we have a separate gender neutral area). Tells us we have to refer to said guests with their preferred pronouns, etc.

The biggest red flags from this whole field of red flags, was: 1) There is a policy in which if we have a reasonable suspicion that they are lying about their “self identification which is a sincere belief”, and if we need to investigate they can provide proof of their gender identity with ya know, ID, certification, letter from a therapist… oh yeah and if you don’t want to use those things you could also use a letter from a friend or family member. 2) If a guest feels uncomfortable with using the same facilities as a TIP that we do not prohibit said TIP from using their “preferred facilities,” and we should educate the uncomfortable guest on why they feel that way

God forbid we empathize with women who don’t want to see a penis in the fucking shower area. Christ alive I’m tired of woke bullshit

( vulvapeople )
TRAs are incredibly hypocritical regarding "discomfort". They sneer at women's "discomfort" at having perverted men leer at us and expose themselves to us, but everything TRAs demand for themselves is entirely about alleviating (their completely baby-brained, manufactured) "discomfort".

( Radical_Phoenix )
"I am uncomfortable if I don't get everything that I want."

"Lol TERFs, I got the trump card!"

( Hermione )
Erhm… do they have a script or something to “educate” customers with? Because it doesn’t sound like “educating” someone on how to use machines, or times, or hours, or a lot to do with fitness.

I kind of doubt they do have a script, because there is nothing that can actually be said to make this a valid argument or just policy. They’re expecting to get sued, and if they have a standard message, then they are liable for that message. If they have something vague and fuzzy they can just fire the little guy and apologise.




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