Women1st, goodyusername & crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

The Statistic No One's Allowed To Study

( Women1st )
The data needs to be aggregated to show who identified as trans prior to charges and who did after. It will not perfectly reflect total trans population of sex offenders, but it would show a more accurate percent of trans and those gaming the system.

Either way, the numbers show that a higher rate of sex offenders claim they are trans. That in and of itself should prevent this group from housing in women’s facilities, regardless of identity and timing of said identity.

( goodyusername )
Why bother? Whether you believe there is a difference between "trans" vs "those gaming the system", It doesn't matter. They're all men. They don't belong in women's spaces.

( Women1st )
Totally agree that no man belongs. But the TRAs will argue all of these men are faking to game the system. It would be nice to have a cleaner stat to show the TRA (especially the handmaidens) that, yes, TIMs do commit VAWG, despite their identity claims. Just to show them that maleness does not go away- so NO men should have access to women’s spaces.

( crodish )

But the TRAs will argue all of these men are faking to game the system.

I love that TRAs will have enough logic to concede this when crime stats make them look bad but not to idk their gaming of everything else



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