Maggie #racist #conspiracy #magick #god-complex

Germany was set to die - but the Curse of Death was erased!

I currently have just this one piece of evidence for camps, but there are certainly more - feel free to tell me in the comments. Dresden and the Rhine Meadows* are the actions that document the plans of the Cabals well, but also the migration pact with the goal of ethnic replacement.

[Two links to videos, calling Nazi Germany’s capitulation the “Day of Enslavement” and titled “SHOCKING! WHAT DOES THE DENVER AIRPORT HAVE TO DO WITH THE EXTERMINATION OF THE GERMANS?”, respectively)

But not only Germany was to destroyed, but, well, the GERMAN PEOPLE with it no matter where it resides! - and, in general, WHITE HUMANITY!


But yesterday, we managed to end this total destruction, for we discovered not only a DEATH CURSE for the GERMANS and a DEATH CURSE for the WHITE POPULATION, but were also able to completely erase the fundamental PRIMORDIAL CREATOR IMPLANT CURSES, which allowed a curse in human biosystems in the first place. Because, by the origins of humanity, it is impossible to curse us, but these invaders came up with a way long ago, which only became apparent to us when the SOURCE itself came into our 3-D world as a human and found out about it. […]

The curse upon the German people exists since ca. 120 years ago and was erased on 18.5.2021 “by the power of our divine consciousness” - a historical event! The same with the death curse upon the white population! From now on, things are going upwards!

* Translator’s note: Location of the main Western Allied PoW camps at the end of WWII.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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