various commenters #transphobia


( Sheva )
Hint: None of them are the good type.

( RighteousIndignation )
it doesn't matter, single sex spaces are based on sex, mens and womens separate awards are based on sex.

female ex cons are not barred from using the ladies, laurence fox isn't banned from voting and no matter how much I dislike Nigel Forage he should not have his bank account closed for wrong think.

good or bad is irrelevant in a free society.

( overanddone )
There are good ones?

( OwnLyingEyes )
This. It's matters of degree as to how awful TIMs can be, but men declaring themselves to be women are already invading women's spaces and identity. The act of men 'being trans' itself is not a neutral act; it's inherently appropriative in a way that's actively harmful to and disrespectful of women.

( Unicorn )
That's a good point. I was initially thinking "well I think there are good trans people," as in, trans people are people and people can do good things.

But like, the act of being trans is essentially an act of lying to oneself and expecting all around them to believe in their personal lies. That is not "good," that is dishonest.

I don't think there is any way one can spin people expecting everyone around them believe in their delusions is "good."

Maybe if there is a trans person who is essentially a gender-non-conforming person who accepts their birth sex? But at that point, I don't know if they would even be considered trans?

( OwnLyingEyes )
Yeah, I know of exactly one TIM who to the best of my knowledge meets those criteria, Miranda Yardley. He doesn't use women's spaces and doesn't make people play along and has basically just said 'dressing like this makes me feel better because dysphoria.' Which is fine. He can go right ahead. But for so much of 'good trans,' it reads like when a man says yes, a woman says no, and the man starts in with the 'just the tip' nonsense and tries to act like that's an acceptable "compromise." These are still men who think women's boundaries are up for them to negotiate or override, who think that what they believe is 'fair' should determine where the line falls.

( overanddone )
exactly. There mere declaration of being 'trans" precludes "good". They are liars, and untrustworthy from the start



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