Contrary to many anime fans' hopes, the fanatical, totalitarian Cult that's usurped pop culture isn't letting a little thing like an ocean get in the way of their conquest.
Funimation, the American dubbing and distribution house that made news last year thanks to a defamation lawsuit brought against them by voice actor Vic Mignogna, now has a seat on the production committee of three anime series slated for 2020.
Unfortunately, the American collaborators the anime studios chose are infamous for injecting Death Cult agitprop into the series they handle. And if the Mignogna affair is any indication, they've got a major hate on for Christians.
Non-Cultist anime fans are well advised to learn from the fall of print sci fi, comics, movies, TV, and games. Skip the first four stages of grieving and go straight to acceptance. Dodge the nostalgia trap. Understand that the hobby you loved in your youth is gone, and it isn't coming back anytime soon. Ripping the band-aid off will spare you the long-term pain and humiliation of getting jerked around by the Pop Cult.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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