@graemebowman #transphobia twitter.com

Let's be totally clear about the trans cult. At it's core, it's a male supremacy movement. Many of the males involved don’t give a stuff about ’trans’, but use the activism as a shield for their increasingly violent misogyny. To these men, women must be controlled and dominated.

This cult encourages the most toxic form of masculinity … a deeply primitive rage … the same fury we see expressed during domestic violence … and the same immorality that can see rape used as a weapon of war. This is a state sanctioned and state supported war on women.

Vulnerable women captured by this cult, plus their female allies, will not be immune to this male rage and entitlement. Predatory men will find easy pickings amongst women who’ve been brainwashed into believing that sex-based boundaries are regressive, and need to be dismantled.

What’s unfolding stems from a toxic blend of DV, VAWG, rape culture and misogyny masquerading as a civil rights movement. It’s not. Instead, it’s a direct attack, not just on today’s cohort of women, but on the memory and legacy of every female ancestor of every activist.

We must understand that the trans cult is based on Queer Theory, which aims to blur boundaries, erode consent & disrupt societal norms. It tries to hide within the trojan horse of ‘inclusion’. But at its core you find misogyny, male sexual arousal and a desire to access children.

The effect of woke ideology on many people is akin to coercive control. The gaslighting, the tantrums, the emotional blackmail, even the threats of suicide. Straight out of the domestic abuser's playbook, but on a societal level.

Toxic gender identity ideology will prove to be the final straw for the global cohort of women. Very soon, women will rise up in their millions, united by one phrase, ‘Enough is Enough’. It will become the largest movement in human history.

It is time for all decent men to publicly declare their support for this ‘Acknowledgement of Women’.

Womanhood is NOT a ‘happy pill’ for sick men.
Female spaces are NOT play-pens for adult males who never grew up.
Women are NOT human shields for males who are scared of other men.
Women’s sport is NOT a dumping ground for weak men.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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