various commenters #transphobia

Nancy mace and reduxx host a space tomorrow 1/31

( shewolfoffrance )
It's so refreshing to see a politician who's making an actual difference on the trans issue talk to feminists instead of Matt Walsh or Jordan Peterson. I'd love to see Jennifer Bilek get a boost for all the good work she's done.

( pennygadget )
Reduxx is getting a shout out from a member of CONGRESS! This is wonderful news! I can't wait for this Q&A!

Love her or hate her, Mace is doing good by giving GC platforms and people a larger platform

( twinklebarbie )
Just amazing! Said from the beginning that this is what they need to do. It’s so easy for people to say, they are just 1% of the population, or that we are fear mongering, but reduxx exposes how silly those statement are.

( SaladSparklz )
This is amazing! Go Reduxx! Go Slatz! ❤️

( Lilith-Fair )
Everyone who will be joining the Q&A, please ask her to introduce legislations to make those WH orders on gender affecting women into actual laws. Otherwise those EOs will last only 4 years and can be terminated by the next Democratic president. We need those laws on the books and now is the best time to make it happen while there's widespread backlash.

( Feerique )
It's true the current unholy alliance between conservatives and TERFs is pushing many radfems to the right but I have noticed some Republican women also going more left on women's issues as a result. I hope this happens to Mace and Reduce doesn't just go full alt right mouthpiece.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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