Various commenters #wingnut


This is what we need to see from all of our conservative representatives!


spoilerThe FBI raid on Trump's home tells us
one thing.
Failure is not an option.
We must destroy the FBI.
We must save America.
I stand with Donald J. Trump.

@Teamsaveamerica 1776 was about destroying tyrants. today we have to again destroy tyrants, in order to preserve our Constitutional government and Christian way of life:

@Teamsaveamerica We must restore the US Constitution as the ruling Law of the Land. We absolutely have to turn back the clock to before the Omama FRAUD. ALL those judges must be thrown out. Their rulings overturned and reversed. ALL those General officers, such as Milly and Austin must be court-martial and imprisoned if not hung for high treason. And all this fucking madness from FJB and nancancer piglousy must be reversed.

@Teamsaveamerica it's military time to remove the dnc/rhinos/elites from all government agencies immediately for over throwing the election/government/usher in nwo and the release of a bioweapon upon the world to depopulate

@Teamsaveamerica There is NO reason to have ANY federal cops! NONE! We have state and local law enforcement. The ONLY reason to have federal gestapo is tyranny!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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