Napoleon de Geso #sexist

[Based] Why approaching ugly femorloids is total waste and better take risk with prettier ones

Possible outcome when approaching ugly femorloid is same as pretty one - rejection or ignoring. Maybe chances of "success" slightly bigger, but that "success" is worthless, as touching ugly femorloid is disgusting and unacceptable, and "validation" from her also has no value. Both outcomes are failure, being rejected by ugly femorloid is insult, being acceptable for her - also insult. Total waste. So better approach prettier ones, chances with them are horribly small to impossible, but success may have some value

And tfu on my former "best friend" moron, wanted me to waste "rejection points" on ugly femorloids. Just loss, and no use, even if "success". Tfu again on him. Let up spit on my former "best friend". Tfu



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