Wildcat78, Randle Browne & Ingold #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Understanding Social Justice

What you said about how dangerous the eventual reaction against social justice culture could be is something I’ve been trying to tell people for a couple years now. This general aggression towards white people is instilling race consciousness in the white population.

We DO NOT want white people to tribalize because, at some point, the white guilt will run out and we’ll be left with a very large and very angry group of people now united by a common enemy.

It's funny how you say you do not want WHITE PEOPLE to tribalize, not that you do not want ANYONE to tribalize.

Minority groups tribalize; you get some riots, maybe violence, maybe even an outright revolt. The majority ethnic group tribalizes; you could have a nation go into full-on ethnic cleansing.

I’m sorry, at what point in American history has there not been a significant portion of the white population which is allied against other ethnicities? White people don’t need “race consciousness” to aggress against minorities, that aggression has existed for centuries

The point completely flew over your head which is scary. a significant portion (30-60%) vs group consensus ( 90+%)like we have in some minority groups are entirely different things and two completely different political realities. You may not want that paradigm shift to take place.

(Randle Browne)
The black and latino sjw types that actually call for some sort of race war (supposedly to end their "oppression") really haven't thought things through.

I mean, they are minorities (outnumbered) in a country where the civilian population (primarily the white conservatives that they want to fight) holds well over 40% of the firearms on the entire planet! That really doesn't seem like a good idea!

With the typical left-wing overconfidence in institutions and the pop-culture trope of whites being effete and lethargic I could see how someone could actually believe that would work.



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