Various commenters #wingnut

Found this crazy person... (I reported her middle comment for hate. Will keep you updated)

Abortion saves lives! Except for the 60 million+ deaths since Roe, but who’s counting?

You want to keep ALL HUMANS ALIVE?!!! You’re worse than those soldiers who carried out genocide!

By that logic, Anti-Nazis are THE DEVIL. Worse than Nazis. Who's going to take care of all the sick and starving Jews and other prisoners who you're forcing to live?

If your child was going to die in a few years, wouldn't you want as much time with the child as possible? Killing them earlier isn't going to make anything better.

The nazis would probably be heavily pro choice because millions of black babies aren't born due to abortions, the nazis would love that

The founder of planned parenthood wasnt a Nazi, but she was a racist eugenicist who believed exactly that


Pro lifers are THE DEVIL. Worse than Nazis.

Look, I'm no fan of treating the National Socialists as the definition of pure evil incarnate, but they are by no means morally better than the pro-life movement.

Also, Satan is pro-abortion.

Actually, the Notorious German Socialists only exterminated about six million Jews and six million Poles for a total of 12 million. Compare that to 60 million American children murdered by their own mothers.... The Stylish Goose Steppers are possibly our moral superiors


Compare that to 60 million American children murdered by their own mothers....

I agree. I said that the National Socialists are not morally better than the pro-life movement: us, who seeks to end the barbaric practice of abortion. They are definitely less bad than the pro-abortion movement.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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