Arthur Copenhauer #sexist

RE: Brutal Never forget this mog


It is utterly fucking absurd that people deny looks matter. Just think about how disingenuous you would have to be say that in response to that photo. Oh wait, it's because anyone who does that is deluded about their own sexual value, and thinks that they aren't that ugly and they can succeed in the sexual marketplace, and therefore don't want to upset the status quo by affirming the blatanly obvious reality of the situation.

I remember this was posted on IT and they said lots of women prefer "chubby" guys like the SEA manlet :lul: :lul:

It's literally not even worth trying to have a sane conversation with people who'll just blatantly lie to you with a straight face.

wELL, nObODy sAid tHat looKs dOn'T maTteR

Yeah, I love the backpedalling and gaslighting



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