Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

It's called the 3 City Empire. There are 3 cities in the world that don't abide by laws of their host country. All three of these cities have an Obelisk erected in them. Washington D.C has it's own flag and it's a white flag with 3 red stars representing Vatican City, London, and Washington D.C..
When the empire of Rome fell they realized empires will rise and fall so the Globalist Cult set up a 3 City Empire. Vatican City which is controlled by the Rothschild's through debt is used for religious control of the masses. London is the financial heart of the empire and Washington D.C. is the Military strength. When Trump went England a few weeks ago he officially removed the U.S. from the 3 City Empire.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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