“Obviously, man’s laws are not in agreement with God’s Laws.”
I don’t think you can know that.
SOME of God’s laws, the thumpers hold to be immutable because God is the lawgiver. Homosexuality, for example.
SOME, however, like slavery, they justify the change because at the time, God was just allowing what was common practice in neighboring cultures.
So unless and until we get a biblical update, we can’t really know which of God’s laws are still in effect, or which have changed because society changed.
"God is against the U.S. Supreme Court on allowing abortion.”
Not mentioned in the Bible, Davey.
“God is against the New York state Supreme Court on allowing same-sex marriage.”
As above, can’t be sure his stance on this hasn’t changed.
“God is against the U.S. Supreme Court for banning the Word of God from the schools.”
How can you be certain? Jesus said to render unto Caesar that which was Caesar’s, right? Obey the tax laws of the nation in charge.
Wouldn’t he also support obedience to secular law in a secular nation?
“God is against anyone who goes against His Words!!!”
Pretty sure he also mentioned being against anyone adding to his words. You’re speaking for a god that ought to be able to speak for his own self, right?
“The Bible teaches that a husband has a right to control his marriage and family, but this wicked world labels that as being a “control freak.””
Because modern society has figured out that the biblegod is a misogynistic cunt.
“There are many feminists and rebels today who consider God a control freak as well.”
That’s not even close. LOVE ME or suffer FOR ALL ETERNITY isn’t a control freak, that’s a complete psychopath.