greycloud, EmbitteredManlet #fundie



greycloud: look at the age of first marriage and first child in the fastest growing populations. if you want your population to grow fast, you will have to get married and have kids when those people would. if your country delays getting married and having kids, than they are intentionally reducing their population growth. age of consent laws in western countries are part of white genocide.

EmbitteredManlet: Women have decided that reality doesn't apply to them, and being 35+ is the best time for children. Granted there are legions of St Single Mommies out there demanding some chump pay for their thug spawn because they can't figure out how to use birth control. The age of consent has nothing to do with it, women today are spreading their legs for refugees by 14 and snorting coke by the truckload when they are not in the tattoo parlor getting inked like a convict.

scroll down to the "WHY SO MUCH ATTENTION TO STATUTORY RAPE?" section and read up. age of consent laws are about
reducing teenage pregnancy, which in turn reduces population growth. these laws are primarily enforced on white populations
hile minority populations are largely ignored. a white girl who sleeps with an older black convict will not run into problems, but if she was sleeping with a white professional worker, he would be thrown in prison. selective enforcement of the law, especially in urban cities is part of the eugenics anti -white agenda.



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