Various Commenters #racist
RE: FBI: Minorities More Likely to Commit Hate Crimes Than White People
Leading only in those areas that are negative. So 13% of the population and yet almost 24% of hate crimes. I grow tired of dealing with most blacks. Like John Lennon we should take his imagine, imagine a US for one week with no blacks, its easy if you try.
(America first)
One, how many of those so called whites are really Hispanics. And two, how many here want to bet that the justice system is all too willing to throw hate crime laws at white people and not blacks, therefore lowering the actual number of hate crimes by blacks.
8.7% of the victims were white. 11.7% of the victims were Jewish. I am guessing Jews get to decide when they are the victims of hate crime.
When they are attacked they instantly become Jewish again.
During the past 10 years or so, I've quizzed several friends, family members and acquaintances about incidence of interracial crime. Most believed that whites prey on negroes, they were surprised to learn that 90% of violent interracial crime was negro-on-white, opposite of what they thought. Im sure their perception is based on the propaganda fed to them by the lying libturd news media and entertainment industry. Hate crime labels are based on the near refusal of LE to charge negroes with a hate crime, even though the evidence is overwhelming. So the public thinks that mean, evil whites prey upon nice, peace loving negroes, they have no idea of actual crime rates.
(Vasco Núñez de Balboa)
If there’s one thing you Anglos and I (a Hispanic) can agree on, it’s that the people who wear the tiny hats who are behind the scenes are inherently evil for their role in media manipulation.