The Matrix is designed to make Humans
as hardcore Addict-Slaves:
Addicts to both illegal and Legal (Pharmaceutical) Drugs
Vaccines / Boosters, Synthetic Vitamins, Supplements
Addicts to Conveniences, Celebrities, Fashions and Trends
Addicts to Technology, TV, Gadgets, online Games, Movies
Gambling, Casino, Adult Toys, Sports/ Luxury Cars, Jets, etc.
Addicts to Pornography, Sex (for straight and "rainbows")
Pedophilia, Andrenochrome (for Illuminati Satanists)
we drop down dead; Killing us softly or by a Sudden Death!
The Endgame of the Manipulators (be it the Illuminati or
Globalist Elite Parasites or Reptilian Aliens)?"
Modern-day SLAVERY
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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