crymouse #racist #wingnut

RE: The USA's South Africa moment has arrived


Blacks will be irrelevant in 20 years time. The Multicultural mess will swallow the half decent ones, while the rest will stagnant at the bottom; becoming far more poor than they are now; with no hope of ever getting out in a million years because the Colorist-Strata will stigmatize Negroid race and 'Afro hair' so heavily.

So that's one thing to look forward too, we will never have to see Black people on every commercial, back-to-back, EVER AGAIN. Blacks don't get it because they are too stupid to get it. Guess that shows how you how to defeat another race in a race-war: just outsmart them.

If you hate Democrats, Progressives, Multi-Culti or whatever think about yourselves and your families. It is impossible to "Own the Libs". We are too diverse, agile and visionary for your ilk to catch us.

Oh, I get it. You think of yourself as a "progressive" Democrat. You think those Progressive-Critical-Race-Theorist Democrats are going to "Liberate" you; make you a rich woman. I still dont see why any NGO would give AF about poor Black People.

The Wage Gap in the USA has increase 300% since the 1980s - according to Afrocentrists and Critical Race theorists - with African-Americans sinking the fastest of all; along with all those imported browns. America is turning into South America by the same powers who've destroyed & raped South American countries; and do you know where Black are in South American society? AT THE BOTTOM.

80% of the poor in South America are Black to United Nations Study.

Enjoy your future in America. Browns dont have White Guilt.



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