Various commenters #sexist
Re: Because your degree matters more to women then your personality apparently.
A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder to Find
Women with college degrees outnumber men by a significant margin. That means trouble for the future of love and relationships, writes Gerard Baker.
I remember a few years ago, if anyone ever discussed the “hypergamy” question in the context of the earnings gaps and why it’s sometimes necessary on public forums , you would have immediately gotten the misogynist or even the incel label, for suggesting that men must outearn women for a rational reason. Now, as more empowered progressive women ironically complain about men not meeting traditional and sexist expectations, hypergamy is no longer a taboo topic to discuss. Although it’s important to note that no one in the liberal feminist leaning media has mentioned the term hypergamy to describes this phenomena, owing to its problematic links to the manosphere and Redpill philosophy.
Anyway, observing a lot of the so called progressive women who are reaching their early 30s being incredibly vocal about this issue tells me that eventually, we will have a neofeminist/neotraditionalist/5th wave feminist movement that will attempt to address the problems of modern women, one of which is the inability of men to outearn women. This movement will call on men to tolerate women expanding their gender roles and transcending gendered expectations whilst simultaneously calling on men to fulfil their gender roles and expectations for the good of women/western birth rates/marriage rates. And society will condone this inconsistent movement because prioritising female happiness above all else has become a western secular religion. I wonder if future generations of men will comply or will they stand up against hypocrisy and call out women?
Yeah, but not because of the women.
This men unmarried men means that any major problem will shatter our society like a hammer. Women won't be there when the shit hits the fan. And men with no families will prioritize themselves over society--as will literally every single woman.
That's assuming these men don't simply choose to tear civilization down.
We're doing a pretty good job of it right now. This is classic Jordan Peterson. It's incredibly dangerous for society to put so many men in such a shitty position. Even if most of them just wither and die in silence, there's a minority that will lash out, and that has the potential to topple society.
This is what happens when liberal schools make it easier for girls to succeed and harder for boys...I’m glad I have a daughter, i can’t imagine having a 14 year old son today.
I’m 34 and married maybe I’m lucky. It seems women want men who:
are older
smarter - higher education
make more money than them
That will be a problem if schools are still making it harder for boys to succeed...girls will need to lower their standard because the only boys who will look at them soon will be beta male feminists...ugh...
A good man means a man with a degree, but he should also be the one cooking in the house because women no longer cook at all, since being in a kitchen as a person with a vagina is very awful and demeaning. one who should shut the fuck up and stand back and never talk back and never, under any circumstance, stand up for his rights, one who should expect his woman to go around and talk about how they have sex and how big his dick is because it’s his body, her friends’ subject of discussion.
Also, you should never address the issue of whether you and your woman are a bit too overweight and should solve it because that means you are controlling her body and shaming her. Maybe cut down on drinking that beer in the evening because you’re a drunk and men who drink are rapists 100%.
And maybe never tell a girl she’s beautiful because that means you’re a creep. Don’t tell her you’re not interested in her either because then you’re a dick. Basically don’t breathe next to them at all because who does that to women?
Fucking hell, I’ve seen way too many posts about relationships lately on reddit and I must say I want to put bleach in my eyes. And i’m a girl.
“Girl, he asked for your number?! That piece of creeping shit!!!”
Now it’s about degrees. Because that was a thing I gave a shit about when I met my man.
But you know, on one hand, it’s good if this type of woman ignores men like these. Dodging a bullet.
Isn't this just biology though? Women are driven by their nature to seek out a mate that has the most resources and highest possible social status, a college degree is one of the main ways you'd gauge that in our society.
Yes, obviously. But feminists claim gender is a social construct and men and women are the same. Further, when men out earn women, they claim to be oppressed. And now that women out earn men, it’s men’s fault there aren’t any good partners.
... are you just trolling or did you legitimately not understand the reason this was posted here?
I see a reset where having a high school sweetheart will be in more of a demand than a degree holder. I'm talking about a really dependable man who cares about how his lady is feeling.
Degrees are becoming the next taxi medallion. The car is now worth more than the medallion. There are a lot of nice men who're debt free & working the trades. If there was a college debt reset I could see a flow of woman that want to snag up one of those nice men because they no longer have to worry about debt because at that stage in their life they're looking to settle down.
Basically women in the near future will demand a hallmark channel movie and not a degree.
I'm gonna get me a 20 year old village girl when I'm ready to get married (in my home country) . Cos the difference between her at 20 without degree and 23 with degree, is the loss of skin elasticity. Probably the hardest thing to hear for carousel riders
Women have outnumbered men in higher education since 1983. It's been a long time since gender-specific education programs have been justified.
Currently, the imbalance in favor of women is greater than the imbalance in favor of men that inspired the passage of Title IX, but the pile of government-sponsored educational freebies for women only just keeps getting bigger.
We often hear that men feel intimidated by strong - in this context read: better educated or higher earning - women.
To me, this seems like one of those things that most of us believe, but for which there is not by far as much anecdotal or empirical evidence as we would expect.
Rather, from the little I have observed, the problem is more that it is difficult for women to respect lesser earning or lesser educated men. In fact, many of my female friends admit something like this openly. And this appears to be not so much because they are concerned about financial stability (most of them are high-earners in their own right), but rather some kind of deeper, evolutionary drive. In fact, in most of the scarce instances of couples where women are better educated that I know, I sometimes observe a disturbing tendency towards condescension among women. Not because my friends are bad people, but because it frustrates them.
True, better educated men may also be condescending, but the dynamics are different and the effects often innocuous.
The only true exception to this that I know are good friends where she is a specialised surgeon and he a photographer and part-time house husband. She makes a multiple of what he does and runs the household finances. I am not sure how they manage to overcome these instincts, but one idea comes to mind: he is a brilliant photographer, close to the top of his field - the issue is only that it pays much less than hers. So maybe that is why she is able to respect him?
I would love to hear about your anecdotes on this.
also possible that not all guys are secure enough to date girls with higher education or career
I can't believe this kinda thing get's taken seriously. You can bet any argument based on "Men are just insecure" or "Men are just toxic" or "Men are just weak" can always be traced back to anti-male sources. There was never any evidence to back up that claim. It's just feels.
In fact, it's not just feels but projection. Many studies have been done that prove men will marry up or marry down. However, women are hypergamous and have a strong preference for 'marrying up'. Their own behavior mixed with the advantages society bestows upon them has lead to fewer men they prefer to be available. It has nothing to do with men being insecure or male behavior at all. Men are rational actors in the sexual market place. Why in wouldn't men marry up and improve their quality of life? In fact, now that women vastly outnumber men as graduates of universities you see exactly this happening:
Partnership shift. Men are now more likely to marry up
A Record Share of Men Are “Marrying Up” Educationally
Women's progress boosts men who 'marry up,' study says