Question Diversity #racist #wingnut
RE: Some Democrats Are Bothered Nominee Is an Older White Man
More whites than blacks or Hispanics claim to be bothered.
About seven-in-ten black (72%) and Hispanic (70%) Democrats say they are not bothered the likely nominee is a white man in his 70s. By comparison, white Democrats are divided on this question: 49% say they are bothered and 51% say they are not.
Then there was this from last week. Not stated in this telling, but the research broke it down by sex, and it found that white extremely liberal women are significantly more mentally ill than white extremely liberal men, but even white extremely liberal men were significantly more mentally ill than all the other race/sex/politics category.
Overall, I think, the main reason why everyone else but white moderate liberals and white extreme liberals have roughly the same mental illness rate, while white moderate liberals and white extreme liberals are much higher, is that current year left-of-center ideology is constituted such that white people who ascend to it must necessarily actively and overtly and consciously operate against their own actual or perceived racial interests. Non-white liberals (moderate or extreme) aren't so mentally ill, because they're operating in their own racial interests. I think if you brain scanned white extreme liberals and compared them to parents who murder their own children, you'd see just about the same thing going on.