Gymcelled #sexist

[Blackpill] A study of 27 nations concluded that height has a strong positive effect on life satisfaction

inb4 "water is wet" Yes it's obvious that height improves your life. But this study is interesting because it confirms that this phenomenon is universal, or at the very least that it's consistently found in many different nations across the globe. It's a value that is seen as important to all humans regardless of culture and location.

We have known this since the dawn of time

Yes but bluepillers like to act as if we just made this up. And redpiller play down the effect as if it's very minor. You can find men who prefer all sorts of height: shorter, same height, taller ... and even some fetishists who like drawves ... But for women? You can't find a single tribe where short men are cherished and respected more by women. Similarly I don't believe that a single woman out there actually prefers bald men. Sure a tiny portion of the male population looks good bald and women like them ... but that's not the same thing as liking bald men. It's incredible how much more wide men's tastes are and yet they're always painted as picky entitled bastards jfl

Personality. It's all about the personality that you radiate out to the world! I wonder for how long normie society can keep up with the bluepilled feel-good lies when studies like this keep coming out and dating apps blackpill the entire young generation.

Well sadly normies either don't care about studies, or can't understand them (because they think anecdotal evidence and feelings beat statistics). What might blackpill men is the overtone window shifting and making so many men into incels that they will have no choice but to accept the blackpill. But who knows. Human beings are really good at coping and being delusional



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