Rob #magick #ufo #fundie

Dragon Transformation Frequencies with the Sirians and Angelic Kingdom

Light Language Keynote #26

It began with the presence of a huge multitude of beings, one of which was Jesus (Jeshua or another name if it resonates with you better), and it was as though I saw him as an albino or someone with much lighter hair and skin than usual. This has nothing to do with race but relates instead to Source Light shining more brightly through us as it transforms our physical/spiritual vessel. They then told me that the transmission is working with us on being lighter, on “lighten-ing” us. This can be taken in a literal sense as in our bodies becoming lighter (i.e. having less density), as well as in a less literal sense relating to our DNA and the Light from Source that we’re able to receive, process and radiate.

Jesus held a big, long scroll and let it unravel vertically. It was older/official looking and had writing and characters on it (they weren’t specific enough that I could see them clearly).
From here, I began to see dragon imagery, as if someone had adorned a document or page with a drawing of a dragon as a decorative element or border. Abstract.

The scroll and the dragon are interconnected. These frequencies are codes (= law / characters / sets of symbols) drawing on innate personal power to effect transformation throughout our being.

Specifically, the dragon totem…

Encompasses all four earth elements (the whole being — earth, fire, water, and air/ether)
Thus can take any form (shape-shifting, transformation)
Is fierce (think of this in a positive sense)
Symbolizes primordial power
We’re being guided. Jesus says it’s like how one guides a needle through a particular place in fabric or material, or through an element like a button hole, grommet, etc. The needle has its point that can be guided in particular direction — it can be guided specifically. We’re able do this for our own beings as we take action directed by our Higher Self.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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