BlackCirce & FeminismIs4Women #transphobia

RE: What happened at the Genspect conference with the AGP?

( BlackCirce )
Any time there’s an autogynephile at a gender critical thing, there are going to be women who are angry about it since that’s who we are fighting. This happens almost every time there is a not explicitly radical feminist “gender critical” gathering. AGPs are running the trans movement that destroyed women’s rights. Even if he’s supposedly a “safe” autogynephile because he’s friendly and fun and cool and admits he’s a man and is against (whatever political incursion) he’s still a man who has a sexual fetish for skinwalking women. Being looked at in women’s clothing sexually arouses / gratifies him and some women are aware of that and don’t consent to it and express anger about it, which is a good thing. It’s horrible (for some women, not all) to be subjected to AGP fetish, even if it’s “legal” and it’s “just clothes.” It’s like telling a victim of voyeurism “he’s just looking.” The powers of narcissism AGP men have over the gender critical movement is kind of surprising to me but I have absolutely no faith in anyone’s care for women.

( FeminismIs4Women )
They have every right to be angry. I am sure there were trans widdows present whose marriages were destroyed by AGP tendencies.

Its all part of the play book, AGPs will invade every women's space to get their rocks off, including gender critical spaces. Some AGP larp as anime girls, some larp as babies, as some larp as a parody of a GC woman. Its just crazy, if a guy had a minstrel fetish no one would say he can't help it and he can do whatever he wants but AGPs are even being given a free pass at Genspect to parade their fetish as if its something they can't prevent themselves from doing!

If he really wanted to do something useful he would start his own seperate event just for other AGPs where they learn about wacky new concepts like consent and respecting other peoples boundaries but that wouldn't give him the same rush of 'euphoria' so he keeps hanging around women in his fetishistic get up expecting head pats for doing the absolute bare minimum.



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