Would you care if a Mexican family moved in next door?
Of course they care. Whites hate Blacks, Mexicans, Native Americans, etc. Some pretend they don't, but they do. They hate us all, and they hate when they see us around.
As if we gave a crap.
The good news is that whites can't reproduce. Most are either gay or into children, so they cannot have their own kids. That means there are fewer and fewer of them every passing generation.
Good riddance.
Um...if white people can't reproduce, then how did my mother's family continue? They're all entirely Scottish, and as white as you can get. By the way, my father is a Mohawk Indian. You fail.
Jesus cunt-sucking Christ, the asker chose that as the best answer?
Both of them are fucking racist idiots and I hope they never fucking reproduce.
And a lot of the answers that say no are getting downvoted.
Seriously, some people need to be fucking shot.
But don't tell my inlaws, or my niece, or my cousins. They're all mixed.
As for being unable to breed, where the fuck does he think white kids come from?
I am sadly pure-bread white. I plan to dilute myself, but I'm not the only one. As people become more intelligent they become less limited by race. Eventually there will be only one race, the human race.
First off, I am whiter than a Kleenex. I'm also an Ashkenazi Jew, and therefore "not really white."
Second, I wouldn't care one way or another if a Mexican family moved in next to me.
Third, whites are gay at the same rates that other races are are.
We just don't repress it as much.
Also, if all white people hate all other races, how is Barack Obama possible?
Wow, I guess that means I have the cutest little non-existent kid ever.
Personally, I don't care what color my neighbors are as long as they keep the noise down and don't bother me.
Nonono, I see where you've made your mistake. Its not that all whites hate all non-whites. Its just that they all hate you. Why shouldn't they? Everybody, white or not, hates you, bigot.
*looks a this skin*
Look pretty white to me.
How did I come about then? Both of my parents are white, yet here I exist, along with my 4 brothers. Also, the wonderful woman I am married to is Mexican. You fail.
Having had my share in my neighborhood I'll say it depends on how considerate they are as neighbors, which is no different than if they were any other nationality. Believe it or not white people are not all supremacists or racists. There are quite a few of us who can recognize other people for who they are past their origin or skin color: people.
I'm not quite sure what "into children" means, however, or why it prevents childbearing.
1. Gays can have children
2. I wish you could see my (white) in-laws, there's a new baby every 18 months. As a matter of fact, they had another one just today. So I'm afraid your dreams of world domination are destined for failure.
See what these Stormfront fucktards are doing?
Hate breeds hate people. I'm not a hippy, but you can see it right here.
I'm mostly white/West European (got a bit of First Nations in there too) so obviously whites can reproduce.
Also, racism is racism, no matter who is being racist towards whom.
I'm mostly white/West European (got a bit of First Nations in there too) so obviously whites can reproduce.
Also, racism is racism, no matter who is being racist towards whom.
I'm disgustingly white with a very fair skin that cannot tolerate the sun for more than minutes - and no. I am not albino. My hair is gold-coloured - apart from the strands of silver that are now creeping into it. Yet I was begotten - and by other people of the same kind of complexion. I also happen to have a good sperm count, although I am advancing in years, and have no erectile problems - rather the opposite. Percy perks up at the most inconvenient times and will not lie down on command! So, Querido arino mío, what the hell are you talking about?
Wow, a Mexican racist. He has a valid point about whites generally hating everyone else. Not all do, however. But his thing about whites not being able to reproduce, and why, was just funny. I wonder how we all got here?
Huh. My parents are both white. I'm white. My husband is mostly white, but has a touch of Native American in him (I want to say Cherokee, but that could be wrong). We have a little girl. Guess I better tell her that she doesn't exist because my parents didn't have me. And, come to that, didn't exist themselves.
"Whites hate Blacks, Mexicans, Native Americans, etc. Some pretend they don't, but they do. They hate us all, and they hate when they see us around."
Tell that to my white friends. Some of whom have been my friends since elementary school. Whoever this is it sounds like a butthurt loser.
And most whites are gay? Seriously? Is that why there's a billion of them? There must be a few white people doing a whole lot of screwing then.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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