Rob Burns #magick #fundie


We consistently encounter the practice of witch doctors or fortune-tellers in Macedonia. This may sound surprising, since many believe these practices are found only in Africa or Asia. But Macedonians have embraced pagan rituals for centuries.

The Turkish occupation, which lasted more than 500 years, brought many new superstitions into the area. As a result, most Macedonians are deeply affected by the occult, even if these beliefs aren’t readily seen on the surface. People hang crosses and Turkish amulets “for luck,” and infertile young couples visit fortune-tellers, hoping for healing.

Shedding Light
Like most Macedonians, our friend Dragan had an encounter with the occult while growing up. After committing his life to Christ, he became convinced that God was calling him to write something to expose the demonic nature of fortune-telling and challenge Macedonians to abandon occult practices in favor of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Dragan, who pastors a church in the town of Veles, produced a booklet that sheds light into the dark practice of fortune-telling. At the end of the booklet, a Macedonian woman shares how God saved her from a life as a fortune-teller.

Because you have given to the Great Commission Fund, we were able to help Dragan publish a second edition of his booklet. We now have dozens of copies to give to people as we go about our work in Macedonia.

Just two weeks ago, we told an orthodontist about the pagan background of a Turkish amulet (“the evil eye”) she had hanging in her office. We urged her to take it down and on a subsequent visit gave her Dragan’s booklet. She happily accepted it (along with a New Testament), saying that would read it. This is only one of a number of occasions we have shared this booklet.

Please pray that God would continue to give us opportunities to hand out the booklet and New Testaments, but above all, that He would smash the enemy’s strongholds here in the Balkans!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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