Ishahchai #transphobia

RE: Trans mod on a sub against religious fundamentalists ironically encourages reporting ‘TERFs’ for their gender heresy.

There was a situation with my takeout order, so I’ve got some time on my hands.

Lesbian = female homosexual: it may look innocent at first but it is how terfs communicate that they believe that lesbians can only be attracted to their same sex.

Yes, female homosexual is exactly what lesbian means. A female attracted to another female. Full points.

Biological sex/biologically male or female: another term to demean and reduce trans people to their sex instead of their gender identity. Trans people already know the difference between sex and gender, but terfs cannot tell the difference.The appropriate terms instead to use are: AMAB or AFAB (assigned male or female at birth) if you really have to talk about the trans person's past.

Emphasis mine. No, trans people equate sex and gender all the fucking time. So do many people, as gender became a euphemism for sex. Radfems believe in sex, because biology is a terf, and know that gender is a social construct.

Gender critical/gender abolitionist: may sound good at first but this is primarily used to criticize trans people that do not "pass", and that all people should be referred to by their sex.

Well, yes, all people should be referred to by their sex. Because sex is real. No trans person passes because changing sex is not possible.

TRA: trans rights activist. Used derogatorily by terfs to refer to 'big scary transgenders trying to bully them'

I mean, it’s more because trans rights activism is a direct offshoot of mens rights activism. But partial credit for accidentally acknowledging that TRAs are indeed big bullies.

Getting really angry at being called 'cis' or angry at cis in general: This one, to me, is a no brainer. If someone insists on being called a woman or a man and that 'cis' is bad, they're a terf.

This is great, because I’ve seen a lot of libfems express discomfort at the word cis, even as they pad that expression of discomfort with subservient praise, TWAW, they have it soooo much harder. But yeah, go on and call your supporters terfs. I love a self-fulfilling prophecy.




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