@Treecraft_Arb #sexist twitter.com

( @KateofLate8 )
That's interesting. What things associated with gender do you believe is biological? I'm not asking to argue, but to understand.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
The notion of women being more nurturing etc. The bell curves are different but overlapping, and this is cross-cultural.

Oh, and then difference in job choice because of it. Obvs huge overlap and can be moved by social factors.

( @KateofLate8 )
Ok, I can see that. The problem is when we assign judgement to men who would like to be in nurturing roles. The overlap you talked about.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
Not to be rude, but how do you hold both the idea that you're a feminist and that women are biologically determined to take certain roles? Aren't those ideas mutually exclusive?

( @Treecraft_Arb )
Biologically likely to be *statistically* predisposed is different to biologically determined.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
It wasn't a question for you. You're welcome to be misogynistic, you don't say you're a feminist in your bio.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
Not sure how you make “misogynist” out of that, so fair play to you😆. That’s because I’m not a feminist. My answer is still a reasonable and logical reply.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
I mean, personally I think you're wrong but I didn't reply to get into an argument about it. Lots of people do agree with you, I'm more just curious how someone claiming to be a feminist could agree with you.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
I’m slightly bemused as to why you think there’s an argument going on here?!? I pointed out a different point of view, but feminism agrees on very little as it is an exceptionally broad church

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
You misunderstand, I'm saying I don't want to get into an argument even though I disagree with you! As I said, you're welcome to think whatever you want I just think it's strange that someone who is so feminist they have it in their bio would agree with you. I was curious why.



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