Various Commenters #transphobia
It's just insane. They're biological men so why exactly do they insist on being a part of feminism. We have a hard enough time passing bills on our own. Wouldn't it make more sense to convince their bros to be more accepting of them?
I know this thread is all fun and games. But I think it's so fucking creepy. Think about it
They copy our every move. They silently read our narrative to understand what periods are like, what labor is like. Yes, anything you've ever posted about your period. About your experience during labor. A trans person has read that and has used that to qualify their experience. They WILL hijack your story to sound more educated on woman's rights.
The thing that bothers me is that these Mtf never advocate for women's rights. Even someone like Blair white who benefits from intersectional feminism will never acknowledge actual women's rights. Lmao. I hate trannies
Breast implants. Neovaginas. Facial feminization surgery. Vocal feminization surgery. They're OBSESSED
I’m seriously struggling to not hate transpeople. I don’t like hating entire groups of people, but every time I have a conversation with/about them I get more offended by their views and more convinced they’re all insane.
Damn anon I feel you. One of my friends is trans and post-op and now I'm supposed to see him as a woman, the funny thing is that I dream pretty often and all my dreams are with him as a man. My unconscious knows kek