Joelossus #sexist #crackpot

[Serious] Caring about female validation is cucked!

Very recently i stumbled across a fairly old thread on here, in which the OP asked the userbase of this forum, if they would rather choose either receiving valadation, or sex from females. And the result kinda shocked me. Since as it turns out the vast majority of users would choose valadation over sex. Which just proved to me once again, that most guys on here are pretty much just simps in training, who put the opinion of a human, who was lucky enough to be born with a hole between it's legs, on a fucking pedastal.

Now here me out, i can understand, at least to a certain extent, why someone would care about getting validation from females. But putting it over sex just doesn't makes any sense to me. Since sex is the sole reason why any male would care about female validation to begin with.

Female validation has no intrinsic value. I mean why should it? Females aren't smarter, wiser, nor in any other way superior to males. So the question is, why do we care so much about what a female human being thinks of us? And the answer is sex! Because when a female validates us, our lizard brain releases hormons, which suggest us, that we will soon be reaciving sex. Something which obviously will increase our mood. Hence making us place a lot of value on the opinion of females.

And that's the thing, we are the ones placing so much value onto a females judgement about us as a person, simply because nature corrupted us to think like this once we reached puperty.

Let me ask you a question, how does it make you feel when a female relative, let's say your mom for instance, says that you're a handsome guy? Do you feel validated or any better about yourself? I'm guessing not. And that's not because you think your mom is lying, but rather because you don't feel any sexuall attraction for your mom, hence making her validating your looks appear completely meaningless to you.

My point is, that it's entirely in our controll to change our perception regarding female validation. That it is simply our body torturing us into desiering it. That female validation is something, based upon attributes which were never in your controll. And that it's not your fault for lacking those attributes. Anyway that's the end of this rent, leave your thoughts down below.



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