LordsFire #homophobia #fundie the-sietch.com

We told you so.

'Gay marriage' was only the surface issue. The deeper matter was 'who gets to be the moral authority? Who gets to tell culture and society what is morally right and wrong?'

And now that sex pests have seized that authority, you get to see what happens when it's godless degenerates, rather than imperfect Christians, who set the rules.

There are a lot of agnostic and atheists over the last ten years who've had some serious regrets over working to force Christianity out of the cultural center of America and the West, at this point including Richard Dawkins, the writer of 'The God Delusion.'

People are starting to realize what a profound epithet 'godless heathen' really is.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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