
Jormungandr #transphobia the-sietch.com

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

Allanon #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia the-sietch.com

Boomers got us into this mess.

For example, women in the 1970s were encouraged to divorce and have it all. Problem is, kids are a real handful.

So, drug them to keep them quiet, making up fake medical problems. Since this was done mostly to boys feminists saw it as a way to give girls an advantage. This started pretty much in the late 1980s.

It is no coincidence that school mass shooters were on those sort of drugs. They also opened the way for the insanity we have today, never saying "no" to the demographic pushing the craziness. That's all it would have taken back then.

The next step, now that everything is fluid and about "how you identify," is child sex. And YOU will be the irrational bigot if you are against it. When transsexualism was accepted the door was blasted open.

The Immortal Watch Dog #transphobia the-sietch.com

Shit all over the LGBT, especially the T.

No one hates them more than urban blacks, except maybe Muslim Americans. And most black people I know from the hood legitimately believe in MLKs "gay illuminati" conspiracy theory without any hint of shit posting irony.

Troons are as a great way to radicalize the House Wife. All you have to do is bring up the multiple pro troon rape camps run by public school systems and bammo you have a repeat of the Stanic panic only with idiots on tiktok boasting about how they violate kids with their female penisespremises.

Terthna #enbyphobia the-sietch.com

Honestly, I've gotten to the point where I've lost all patience with almost the entire "LGBT" crowd; I get that not all, or even most, of them support the insanity, but I don't think it matters anymore. Whenever I see someone say they're "non-binary" now, all I can hear anymore is "death to Jews", "death to America", and "we are coming for your children"; just them asserting that as part of their identity immediately ties them irrevocably to a monstrously evil ideology in my mind, and I feel like I'm only a few steps away from no longer seeing them as human anymore.

S'task #conspiracy #pratt the-sietch.com

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Boomers didn't create these times, though one can argue they are the "weak men" that lead to hard times, none of what the Boomers are remembered for were actually their creations, and in fact the things they ACTUALLY created have arguably been a massive boon for the world.

The internationalist institutions that have so corrupted our societies with anti-nationalism and anti-whiteness? Those were created by the GI and Silent Generations, not the Boomers. Heck, just take a look at Soros, he's not a Boomer, he's GI Generation.

The Sexual Revolution? Created by the generations BEFORE the GI Generation. Kinsey was born in 1894 for goodness sake, and literally spent his ENTIRE LIFE seeking to upend traditional social morality and finally managed to do so AS THE BOOMERS WERE COMING OF AGE. In short, the Boomers were the PRODUCT of the corruption, not the cause. "Oh they should have known better?" Do you say that about Alpha iPad kids? No, of course not, you blame their PARENTS, so why do we insist on blaming Boomers for the failures of their PARENTS?

It is the PARENTS of the Boomers who gave them a bad upbringing, it was their PARENTS who trusted institutions so much that they allowed the creation of the massive entitlement states we now have. It was their parents who were so panicked by economic hard times they bought into the idea that Government was the answer. No Boomer voted for FDR, no Boomer allowed Communist German academics to take refuge in the US.

So cut them some slack, Boomers were the first VICTIMS of this mess, not its creators.

Darth One #sexist #homophobia the-sietch.com

We have disorders for behavioral, psychological, and social aspects of a person. Why can't the concept for sex and sexuality exist also?

Men and women were made for each other. Attraction exists to encourage reproduction. That is why sex feels so good, to encourage that behavior to proliferate the species.During sex, the man and woman would feel close so the child could be raised in a loving home. Men and women had separate tendencies that encouraged unique fulfilling roles.

This use to be a fundamental clear, concise truth but for some reason we can't acknowledge it anymore.

LordsFire #homophobia #fundie the-sietch.com

We told you so.

'Gay marriage' was only the surface issue. The deeper matter was 'who gets to be the moral authority? Who gets to tell culture and society what is morally right and wrong?'

And now that sex pests have seized that authority, you get to see what happens when it's godless degenerates, rather than imperfect Christians, who set the rules.

There are a lot of agnostic and atheists over the last ten years who've had some serious regrets over working to force Christianity out of the cultural center of America and the West, at this point including Richard Dawkins, the writer of 'The God Delusion.'

People are starting to realize what a profound epithet 'godless heathen' really is.

Jormungandr #homophobia #transphobia the-sietch.com

There are normal people who are gay/Bi/lesbian than straight, and then there are the, to use old cultural terminology, "mincing gays" which pretty much have become the face of the Rainbow Tumour. The latter are the ones who have gone mainstream.

And the "non-binary" folks I've seen? 90% of the time they're just ugly women, and 10% they're basically gay men in denial.

Unfortunately, when people think Rainbow Tumour, they don't think of the "normal but different orientation" people as a first thought; they automatically think of "fucking grooming weirdos" and "everything must be gay!" nutjobs.

Sadly enough, a lot of older gay men and women have said that if they'd have known what their campaigning would've resulted in thirty or forty years or so down the line, they'd have put down their picket signs and lived out their lives quietly somewhere. Even they're disgusted, and the fact that many want to retro-group back into just the LGB community than the LGBTQIA+Kitchen Sink community kinda says it all.

LordsFire #fundie the-sietch.com

It's probably still an absolute minority of homosexuals and who are 'into' such things, but the clash of worldviews is fierce.

To a Judeo-Christian, or many other traditional moral systems, it's fairly simple. Homosexuality is a form of deviancy, and once someone goes from struggling against temptation like we all do, to trying to redefine moral law so 'it isn't actually wrong, in fact you're wrong for trying to tell me it is wrong,' at that point, they have shifted to a moral system that lets them redefine anything they want as right or wrong, to their preference.

Once someone has taken that step, it's a lot easier for them to take further steps. More steps continue to make it easier to keep going in that direction, but it's the first step, and the acceptance of the ideology that under-writes it, that is the most important.

Either morality is an external law handed down from on high, and we are all subject to it, or it's a subjective thing determined by human opinion. Once you've entered the latter system, there's nothing except personal preference holding you back from defining literally anything you want as morally acceptable.

And once you've decided to let your personal desires and urges redefine one thing as not actually wrong, you've already made the habit of letting your base urges over-ride your rational thought, so why not take it further?

It is no coincidence that the pioneers of post-modernism were so often pedophiles, and used their new philosophical and moral system to lobby the French government to abolish the age of consent.

Because once you accept the post-modern worldview, age really is just a number.