MiMi2013, AriadneOnNaxos & WasItSomethingISaid #transphobia ovarit.com

The comedian taking on transphobia in a new show (that imagines JKR sitting down with trans interviewer)

( MiMi2013 )
There is no such thing as "transphobia" . There's people who think trans woMEN* are Sad Gay Men who've had their junk cut off, and people who know the majority of trans woMEN are heterosexual men who are physically intact, and who want to stick those intact and functioning "lady dicks" inside lesbians , whether they want it there or not, either as "validation" for their autogynephilia/"transbian" bullshit, OR because they're simply predators. The former (the ignorant/deluded) think the latter are "transphobic'

* Trans "men" are basically irrelevant as even the plummeting percentage that are the stereotypical Molestation Victims/Lesbians are no threat whatsoever, as there's no such thing as a "sex change operation". Trans "men" gain NOTHING in 'transitioning' in the way of physical strength, and no matter how irritating 'gay trans "men" ' are to gay men, they are in no way a threat to them, the way trans woMEN are to women, lesbian and otherwise.(It's amazing how many trans "men" really and truly seem to think that they're somehow gonna magically gain the height and build of a man, or that T in the bloodstream , if it gets to a certain percentage, will somehow give them physical strength equal to an actual man. )

( AriadneOnNaxos )
I admit to being curious about this show.

I wonder if Piper Scott is capable of understanding materialist arguments well enough to present them accurately, and whether the effect will be what he clearly anticipates, or will the audience see it differently.

If I weren’t on the other side of the globe, I think I’d go.

( WasItSomethingISaid )
If he or any other TPA could engage in actual debates with gender critical people without looking like absolute fools, they would do this rather than deplatforming us, censoring us and attempting to intimidate us into silence. I'm pretty sure the entire audience will be TPAs. Curious people might watch a debate, but not a drag show in which JKR is burned in effigy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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