Global Gypsy/Don Croft #quack #crackpot #mammon
This is the - GREEN Terminator Zapper designed and manufactured by Don Croft & comes with TWO 9v batteries. The Terminator Zapper requires one 9 volt alkaline battery. The Terminator Zapper is a mere 3" long, 2" wide, and 1" thick. 20mm x 50mm x 85mm For more info on the Terminator Zapper please visit Don and Carol Croft's website at World Without Parasites.
All pathogens - bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites - have a frequency. in which they cannot cope. Wearing a Terminator Zapper transmits frequencies that can kill these pathogens. The Terminator Zapper uses 15hertz frequency to move a constant supply of free electrons through the skin of compatance. 15 hertz is used because this frequency also produces a mild euphoric effect. Only five millionths of an ampere go into the body far below a harmful level but it's devastating to all species of parasites.
‘All parasites and diseased tissues are positively charged. The zapper introduces negative ions through the skin and into the body’s living tissue, killing the parasites by reversing their polarity and also helping to heal the diseased tissue.’ Don Croft
This is not to be used by anyone with a pacemaker.
I have seen amazing results with herpes overnight when a cold sore was about to present to nothing in the morning.Viruses hide inside cells but get zapped when they come out to reproduce.
Reports from the USA have shown great benefits for those with Lyme disease.
It is recommended to wear your Terminator Zapper until the first battery is dead and then replace them and use until the next battery is used. Then on an as needed basis (if you start to feel ill or not up to par - wear your Terminator Zapper). Be sure to drink plenty of clean fresh water (not city tap water, please) to help flush the kidneys of dead/dying pathogens the Terminator is eliminating from the body. Some people may have a herxheimer (detox) effect. IF this happens to you, you can use the Terminator just a few hours each day to lessen the detox, again though plenty of clean fresh water to help flush the body of toxins and gradually increase the time you wear it to what is most comfortable for you.