cvh1991 #sexist

Redditors as expected hypocritically defend misandrist cesspool that is “FemaleDatingStrategy” while bashing MGTOW/TRP

Nice to see not everyone in the thread is so delusionally biased, but the number of women in this thread making blatant “whataboutism” fallacies and hypocritically supporting one over the other is hilariously retarded. They really have no idea — some of them are even reeeeeing/making their typical BS claims about how “muh womens have it so much harder than men!” just rofl — these foids need to read up on actual statistics, but no, they’re just happy to defend their own and buy into their own bias while giving the finger to men as usual.

Hypocrisy like this is honestly surreal — I mean, if you’re at all familiar with the asymmetry between men and women/the objective stats that exist (such as the compiled studies on the scientific black pill article if it’s clear that at least the male subs/groups have a genuine point/complaints whereas the female centric ones are just huffing their own farts, but whatever.

Anyway, stay based frens — was happy to see at least some sensible fellows in there calling them out. Also, notice the administrative bias that exists — FDS is considered fine and dandy, but TRP gets banned and MGTOW gets quarantined. Also, TwoXChromoses is a default sub just rofl. Nope, no bias at all — definitely no bias or hypocrisy that favors women and hinders men whatsoever...



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