Kingsley L. Dennis #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

Metaphysics is not so much about that which is 'beyond' physics as this suggests that,

what is metaphysical lies only in the beyond zone and not within.

The metaphysical fire, which has correspondence to Origin, Source, and Intelligence of All, is behind time, space, causation and manifestation, as well as being integrated as all those aspects.

The metaphysical fire,

is as much beyond as it is within, for there is never a state that is void of it - even the void itself is an expression of the metaphysical fire.
What this means is that,

the metaphysical impulse (or Fire/Light) is existent - hidden within - all states of existence, including our material realm.

And this, for much of human history,

has been a grand heresy...!
The concept of heresy is brought out and utilized as a means of involving people - the 'public' - within the controlling system. In an age of secularization, the controlling narrative has shifted from a top-down religious power structure into a technologically enforced 'cage of modernity.'

The new secular materialism is bringing forth technocratic governance as a dominating narrative, and its affiliated religion of transhumanism is providing for the next priestly class of tech-elites and billionaires.

Together they establish what will strive to become the governing apparatus of technocracy - the modern totalitarian system masquerading as the new mode of 21st century global authority.

And the notion of heresy has been modified from quasi-religious sectarian cults into conspiracy.
The metaphysical fire is beginning to burn away the outer paintwork, showing the rotten wood underneath.

The gatekeepers of stolen power are attempting to cover up the sun by spraying their chemical clouds; yet still, the metaphysical fire comes through.

Flares, outbursts, and eruptions will soon be blasting towards our physical sphere as we cling to its surface like a receiving-transmitting membrane

And it shall all be a matter of frequency...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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