[Blackpill] The 97% Pill #sexist incels.is
For this, we won't focus on the 40-42 million escorts and actual paid prostitutes, still leaving us with about 3.8 billion people.
Of that 3.8 billion, 97% fulfill the almighty blackpill of foids going after Chads and being depraved normie whores.
Of the 3% remaining, 97% are taken.
Of the 3% that are single, 97% are either too ugly, too fat, too old, or too young.
Of the 3% that are attractive, 97% are in a location more than 62 miles (100 km) away from a single one of us.
Of the 3% that are nearby, 97% are on the verge of getting with someone.
Of the 3% that aren't trying to get with someone, 97% find us repulsive and wouldn't even touch us.
That leaves 3% who would, and assuming my math is correct, 3% = 0.030 ∴ 0.030 total × 0.030 single × 0.030 attractive × 0.030 nearby × 0.030 not on the verge × 0.030 willing to be with us = 0.030^6 = 7.29×10^-8% of the whole foid population that would fuck us.
7.29×10^-8% = 7.29×10^-10 ∴ 7.29×10^-10 × 3.80×10^9 ≈ 2.77
There are less than three people per one of us, assuming they are spread far and wide i.e. no incel within a 124 mile (200 km) radius of another incel (62 × 2 or 100 × 2 for two different incels).
However, in this day and age we live in more of us are popping up, and with condensed major cities becoming the norm for the habitat of man, that eventually gets reduced to less than one, assuming we put in the hard work to ascend.
Of course, extra factors can be added in. At the bare minimum, at least a few of us will be forever condemned no matter the effort.