Burdock Smarry #racist amren.com

It’s ironic and funny how White Americans are becoming more like the American Indians year after year. The only difference is that unlike White Americans; American Indians actually fought back as hard as they can to keep their cultures and way of life thriving. Well I guess history has to repeat itself.

Theres been the "trail of tears" going on in all the major cities for years. White man becomes victim of thefts, assaults, sequestered by police when he defends himself from would be attackers etc. The result is his exit from his accomplishments and moves on to an undeveloped rural area to try starting over again. White wokism is his only way to survive in a city that has contempt for the white Christians.

The only peaceful places for Anglo Saxon white Christians will be remote rural areas of Appalachia or central midwest plains of Kansas and Nebraska. The only caveat is, this time avoid developing the areas into centers of commerce. That will only lead to evolving communities and eventually cities where different ethnic backgrounds will follow for the freebies, government benefits and then trash the white man again who made it all possible.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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