various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
A lot of famous Jews changed their names like Jon Stewart (Liebowitz).

When asked why they will say “anti-semitism” but that’s a lie. Jews have basically always been privileged in America, are treated like royalty post WW2, are the safest and wealthiest demographic, and simply being Jewish opens up doors in showbusiness and the finance industry due to nepotism.

So why do they do it?

To fool us. When they bitch about “fellow White people” they don’t want us to know it’s criticism coming from a foreign tribe who doesn’t consider themselves White.

You can be damn sure wherever Jon Stewart went to interview in showbusiness he made sure to let people know he was really a Liebowitz. That way the Jews he was interviewing with knew he’s an insider and not a “dumb goy.”

( @Malignant )
@Stanleymitchell90 they claim to change their names because of antisemitism, but they do nothing to change the behavior that causes antisemitism.

( @John_Madison )
@Stanleymitchell90 Many actors did the same thing such as Kirk (Issur Danielovitch) Douglas and Tony (Bernard Schwartz) Curtis and many others.

John Wayne hated Douglas because when filming the with the jew he stated he tried to take over the set by pushing jew ideologies.

( @rotifer1066 )
John Stewart doesn’t want the dumb goys to know he whores for Zionist gangsters.
And most have no clue.

( @dbflcl )
@Stanleymitchell90 jon stewart hosted that "fuck White people" show and openly laughed at White people saying "i tricked you" and "i infiltratrated you"

( @uhtred321 )
@Stanleymitchell90 One good example I heard about was Geraldo Rivera, who presents to the world as a hispanic with his name and moustache (mother's surname Friedman), but has a Star of David tattooed under a ring on a finger which he can subtly display in meetings if he suspects a fellow jew didn't realise so he wouldn't get preferential treatment.



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