A Theory: COVID19 is a Deep State Asymmetrical Attack on Trump
Ok, Hear me out.
For some reason, the sociopaths running the Deep State need Trump out and the withered husk of Biden in. (or Hilary)
They realized Trump would be swept in on a bustling economy into his second term. They have tried nearly everything to bring him down.
Now this.
It’s the Chinese who “released” it, who are the chosen society for the NWO.
Somehow the CDC screws up the testing kits.
Somehow a large group of certain persuasion get sick in NY. A person of that same persuasion goes to CPAC and infects Republicans.
Somehow all the media is blaming Trump.
Somehow left wing Tom Hanks conveniently comes down with the virus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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