ScornedStoic #sexist

It's so depressing that we're right.

I wish we were wrong. I wish if I listened to IT members they'd have new advice or actually prove something about the blackpill wrong. Sometimes when I'm really desperate I try to entertain one of their copes to give me relief but it literally doesn't work because my entire life experience, basic observation and common sense tell me I'm right.

I hate that we're the right ones. I wish we were a deluded cult.

They think we want to "believe" in the blackpill when it's actually the other way around, I absolutely hate the fact that we are right, I didn't want this to be true. But it is.

The pessimists were right all along. It's truly sad.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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