various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @KeepNHGranite )
How the GOP appeals to Black people:
“Here's what we're doing for Black people!”

How the GOP appeals to Latinos:
“Here's what we're doing for Latinos!”

How the GOP appeals to Asians:
“Here's what we're doing for Asians!”

How the GOP appeals to Jews:
“Here's what we're doing for Jews!”

How the GOP appeals to White people:
“Here's what we're doing for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Jews!”

( @Javanka_is_Rasputin )
@KeepNHGranite The Republican party won't save us. An expressly pro-White party is the only thing that will.

( @Trevordean )
@KeepNHGranite Taxation without representation

( @isebellin )

That will be Trumps (or any candidates) downfall…
Treating White people as stepchildren… or orphans…

No candidate owns the White votes, as they think…cuddle all minorities… spoil them with free stuff (that we have to pay for them) … and tell us to vote on another candidate that doesn’t even give us an afterthought…

White people are the part of America that make it America… without us America is just another violent incoherent third word dump…

All tribes have their pros and cons… but they are not necessary for the nation to work … and some would improve the nation by leaving …

Since the Kennedy murder …(another coup d’etat)… the chosen and their shills worked hard to erase Whites from their own, nation, history and culture…by mass migration, discrimination and propaganda…
Let us at least not help them…

An American president should be not America first but …🇺🇸AMERICA … period.🇺🇸

If a candidate wants to work for foreign nation… Israel, Ukraine or China he can do on his own time after retirement… using his own assets…

( @Audiofile )
@isebellin @KeepNHGranite Were becoming a third world dump quickly, especially in the cities which happens, by the way, to be led by incompetent democrats!

( @NationalGathering )
@KeepNHGranite the gop is an anti white Zionist op to make whites hate themselves as much as the Jewish left does. Jews are the foremost problem. Watch



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