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[Comment under “Government Healthcare and the deficit”]

Just-war theory as originally formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas states that to be considered as fought in accordance with God’s will, any war must be:

A. Waged For A Just Cause
The war criteria of “just cause” means that[…]a nation’s sovereignty is directly threatened. A hostile nation intent on actively pursuing ethnic cleansing of your ethic group, on your border[…]American expansion in eastern europe since 1991 is ungodly under Genesis 11:8, which states God deliberately scattered the nations[…]
B. Fought By and Against Competent Authority
The aggression against ethnic Russians living in Ukraine was promulgated by the authorities within the Ukranian government[…]
C. Comparative Justification
Ukraine’s actions are morally wrong according to biblical rules and Russia’s actions bringing the war are morally right – this should be apparent to anyone not blided by one-sided media coverage. There’s a 2016 documentary titled “Ukraine on fire”[…]
D. Right Intention
The clearly-stated purpose of the war is to stop Ukraine’s murderous actions and ensure the safety and political freedom of the people of Lugansk and Donbas[…]
E. Last Resort
All other reasonable means of resolving the conflict were seriously tried and exhausted – NATO encouraged Ukraine to negotiate between 2014-2022 only with the intent of rearming Ukraine[…]
F. Probability Of Success
Entering a war is foolish and harmful unless there is a high probability of success. Russia is winning the conflict[…]
G. Proportionality Of Results
The positive results of the war’s success must be greater than the losses that will inevitably occur from pursuing the war. Russia will gain stability, peace for ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, and reduced global support for US government warmongering[…]
H. Right Spirit
All war must be undertaken with reluctance, sobriety and counsel. Those who engage in war must do so with great sorrow



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