
Shadow girl #fundie asexuality.org

There is Public and Private schools.

In a socialistic socity there would only be public schools but since we have the choice to go to a private school.

["I'm sorry to tell you but that is NOT correct. Socialist countries have both public and private schools. It's true that the US is a Capitalist country, but the public school system is SOCIALIST."]

Doesn't seem like it to me. If they were then I would be perscuted by them and in jail right now.

Tayune #fundie asexuality.org

...no, humans are not ANIMALS. We are Mammals.
Animals are anything, living that isn't plant-life or human.
Thus birds, which lay eggs and thus are not MAMMALS, are also Animals.
And Reptiles as well.
They, are actually the Animals I was talking about... Like when people say dinosaurs have more in common with birds than reptiles.

We may be mammals, since we reproduce in that manor, but that does not make up Animals.
Animals don't have the ability to reason like we do... If they did, they'd be running the world, don't you think?

Baby #conspiracy asexuality.org

"But from what you write, I just thought I'd let you know that to record the GPS location of every house does not require paint."

The idea is to x-mark possible targets for GPS-guided missiles.


"I may have no imagination, but I can't think of any evil that can be perpetrated by accurately knowing where houses are."

WARNING = We Are Right Now In Nazi Germany.

Divided we fall.

Baby #conspiracy asexuality.org

The H1N1 swine flu virus is a mild lab virus which has pretty much nothing to do with swine. It's the people who are the swine.
The current epidemic hype is both a drill for the international organizations and a fear-mongering for the public. The real danger is in the vaccines, which are expected to be deadly, as well as in the martial law that will ensue once the engineered oubreak takes place.
This is very similar to the vaccine outbreaks of 1918 and 1976, only on a much larger scale this time.

Tayune #fundie asexuality.org

Meanwhile, if you know anything about Genetics at all - you'd know it actually disproves the theory of evolution.
Human evolution at least.
Animals are different than humans after all.

goldenlady #fundie asexuality.org

[What would you say about Adam and Eve? They were the first people and they were not monkeys. neither were Cane and Able.]

I would be really disappointed if my ancestors are monkeys. Next time I go to the zoo, I'll see which ones look like kin. Why didn't those poor monkeys evolve into humans yet? And the gorillas? When are they going to start talking and wearing clothes? I guess those Gieco caveman commercials have some merit. Some of us haven't fully evolved yet.

I think Adam and Eve makes a little more sense.

Oh yeah, and 'The Big Bang' theory. Isn't that where suddenly two atoms exploded and people emerged from it? Wow.